Dealer Battery Delivery & Handling
Date & Time
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Meredith Collins

Last year at EVAB we had considerable discussion about the ability (or willingness) of dealers to handle batteries. This year’s session focuses on the entire process from warehousing, through transportation, to dealer-site battery handling processes. The goal is to understand each OEM’s process, touching on specifics such as:​

  • Which department is responsible for this process at each OEM?
  • What is each OEM’s business case to store batteries in-house versus outsource to a 3PL?​
    • How do transport/logistics costs play into these decisions?
  • How do we ensure safe handling/capacity requirements are met at all locations that might touch a battery?
    • How do OEMs ensure dealers can properly receive batteries?
    • What special equipment is required to transport or handle batteries at every step of the process?
  • How are service levels different for EV batteries versus other service parts?
Session Type
Breakout Session